Natural Dyes : Better for you, Better for the Planet
Over the last decade, multiple reports have suggested that the fashion industry is the most polluting...
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African marigold [Tagetes erecta L.], a major source of carotenoids and Lutin, is grown as a cut flower and a garden flower, in addition to being grown for its medicinal values. Marigold flowers [Tagetes ], which are yellow to orange red in colour, are a rich source of lutein, a carotenoid pigment. Nowadays, Lutein is becoming an increasingly popular active ingredient used in the Food Industry and Textile coloration.This pigment has acquired greater significance because of its excellent colour value. Although marigold flower extract has been used in veterinary feeds, the potential use of marigold as a natural textile colorant has not been exploited to its full extent. This is due to the lack of information on its safety, stability, and compatibility in textile coloration. The dye potential of the extract was evaluated by dyeing using the flower, in 100 % cotton and silk fabrics under normal dyeing conditions. And it gives good strength and fastness of colour on cotton, silk and yarn.
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